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Busou Shinki Knight Xiphos

A photo of Busou Shinki Knight Xiphos.

I was almost overwhelmed by the sheer amount of gear Konami included in the set. There’s a nice figure stand, extra hands, weapons a-plenty and another stand for extra armour pieces.

The core MMS figure only has peg holes on its back but remarkably none of the armour pieces seen above attach to those peg holes. It’s pretty cleverly designed.

But perhaps a bit too clever.

For example, attaching the boots requires carefully aligning a peg and a tab in each boot with a corresponding hole and slot in each leg. It took me a long time to get this right.

The shoulder/upper arm armour pieces are the biggest problems. The way they’re affixed means the lower arms are prone to falling off when the arms are moved about. It’s an annoying blemish in an otherwise fine design.

Posted in Busou Shinki, Pix, Toys.

2 Responses

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  1. Tan Lee Seng says

    They are somewhat like a more advance version of Xevoz. (BTW…..please let me know when you wish to sell off your Xevoz Storm Wing. I really want it… >_

  2. Gobi says

    Well, Xevoz is a kid’s line and it excels when it comes to variety, durability, playability and value. Busou Shinki is designed for collectors — specifically, moe figure collectors.

    The moe figure market must be a very large one since Japanese toycos seem to be scrambling to come up with moe-flavoured offerings regardless of how forced or painful the outcome. Exhibit A: Transformers KISS.

    (I have no plans to sell my figures but if I decide to do so, I’ll let you have dibs on Xevoz Storm Wing.)