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Elsewhere on the web

A Busou Shinki mecha.
A creative Diorama Studio creation by kurotora.

Marvel’s Civil War: a summarised reenactment.
Memo to myself: must work “Pchew! Pchew!” into all future conversations.

Aizenborg. [via]
This is the most incredible clip I’ve seen on YouTube in a while. There’s so much going on here it’s staggering. It’s live-action and anime. There’s a man and a woman gattai-ing without forming the beast with two backs. There’s a cyborg and a dinosaur. A flying jet with tank treads. A flamethrower. There’s kaiju-decapitation. An explosion. All this in a single clip lasting *pchew! pchew!* 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Posted in Web.