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  1. Jetfire April 14, 2007

    Posted in Pix, Toys, Transformers.

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  2. Elsewhere on the web April 14, 2007

    Posted in Web.

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  3. Up close April 14, 2007

    Posted in Busou Shinki, Pix, Toys.

    Comments Off on Up close
  4. Elsewhere on the web April 13, 2007

    Posted in Web.

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  5. Arnval April 13, 2007

    Posted in Busou Shinki, Pix, Toys.

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  6. Q-Steer April 11, 2007

    Posted in Reviews, Toys.

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  7. *boom* Head shot! April 11, 2007

    Posted in Pix, Toys, Transformers.

    Comments Off on *boom* Head shot!
  8. Elsewhere on the web April 9, 2007

    Posted in Web.

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  9. Off with his head April 9, 2007

    Posted in Pix, Toys.

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  10. Sign of the times April 8, 2007

    Posted in Blogging.

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  11. Henshin Cyborg April 8, 2007

    Posted in Pix, Toys.

    rev="post-946" 2 comments
  12. Right in the kisser April 7, 2007

    Posted in Pix, Toys.

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  13. Profile April 6, 2007

    Posted in Doodles, Pix.

    rev="post-943" 4 comments
  14. Elsewhere on the web April 6, 2007

    Posted in Web.

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  15. The Dark Knight takes flight April 6, 2007

    Posted in Pix, Toys.

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  16. Protector of Elona April 4, 2007

    Posted in Games, Guild Wars.

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  17. Elsewhere on the web April 3, 2007

    Posted in Web.

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  18. Packing April 2, 2007

    Posted in Busou Shinki, Pix, Toys.

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  19. Elsewhere on the web April 2, 2007

    Posted in Web.

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  20. Armchair general April 2, 2007

    Posted in Busou Shinki, Pix, Toys.

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