A photo of a Neo Henshin Cyborg figure.
Removing the clear vinyl head reveals a chrome silver cyborg skull. It’s a freaky look mainly because of the pinhead proportions of the skull. To be fair, it had to be thus proportioned as the head wouldn’t fit otherwise.
The figure has an electronic gimmick. Press a button on his back and his chest lights up red to simulate cyborg heartburn. Or something.
The figure’s hands, forearms, lower legs and feet can be removed in order to make it easier to put on character costumes. There are 5mm ports all over the Neo Henshin Cyborg but Takara didn’t produce any accessories to take advantage of them.
The Neo Henshin Cyborg figures were sold with different coloured innards and with different weapons. My set, Silver-A, included flamethrower and ice gun attachments for the arms as well as a Cy-Breaster chest piece in clear plastic. Takara optimistically expected Henshin Cyborg fans to pick up every variant set in order to equip a single Cyborg with a full Neo Protector Suit.