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Elsewhere on the web

Hare Hare Yukai ver Busou Shinki. [via]
A toy reenactment of the dance seen in the ED for an anime.

“The Legend of Zelda – R-rated edition.”
Link … to the XTR3M3.

Gandhi II.
“No more Mr Passive Resistance.” From the “Weird” Al Yankovic movie, UHF.

Posted in Web.

2 Responses

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  1. microbry says

    Back in my archive somewhere (don’t have all the tags implemented yet) is a link to one I’m mirroring that is of the original broadcast version of the ending animation for Haruhi as reinterpreted with Microman figures. It’s not bad, though there’s some weird non-sequitur stuff near the end with some Gunbuster figures, heh.

    The Busou Shinki one is superior though, especially since it’s based on the DVD special version of the ending that has dancing all the way through it. XD

    Great anime series if you haven’t seen it, btw.

  2. Gobi says

    Thanks for the clarification. I was wondering about the source for the extra dance moves.