A photo of my very first Transformer, Warpath.
I wasn’t keen on the toy despite being a fan of the rambunctious show character. The figure was too simple to hold my interest even when I bought it two decades ago. But I wasn’t exactly spoilt for choice back then as stores in my area only carried the carded Transformers.
Hmm….I hope he gets the “Classics” treatment. Maybe then you might have a different view of the figure…lol. (Know who I’d really like to see in the Classics line ? (Hint : One-Man-Army)
It’s exciting to consider what the current Transformers designers could do with the six-changer concept. If they do give Sixshot the Classics treatment, I hope the toy is produced for a high price point to fully realise the potential. A Deluxe or Voyager Sixshot would have poor alt modes, I think.