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Guild Wars Factions: A view

Additional Guild Wars Factions observations …

Rangers with Barrage should have no problems getting invites in Cantha as there are a lot of closely-packed foes in most areas I’ve played in so far. Stay at bow-range, wield a bow with an energy-reclaiming Zealous string and fire away. Spamming Barrage can get tedious but there’s no denying the satisfaction that comes from the impressively high damage numbers.

Mesmers will find it difficult to get a place in PUGs as usual. (I’m usually startled when my Mesmer is sent blind invites.) The problem is most PUG players aren’t attentive enough to fully appreciate the Mesmer’s brand of chaos. I’ve played mostly with henchmen and most quests and missions are doable with NPCs.

I haven’t played much of the Assassin class but from what I’ve observed, it reminds me of my old N/W meleemancer: frail but capable of dishing out surprising amounts of pain. (The Assassin bosses certainly shocked me with their hitting power the first time I encountered them.) I think the trick with Assassins is you have to time your hit and run attacks well. Most Assassins I’ve observed in Cantha (and Tyria) are adept at the hitting and not as adept at the running. The real problem with the class right now, though, is that there’s an overabundance of them. It’s understandable everyone wants to try them out — I’ve got one myself — but their numbers are ridiculous.

Posted in Games, Guild Wars.

2 Responses

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  1. Tan Lee Seng says

    As I have mentioned in my previous comment the Assassins win hands down as the most rejected primary profession in GW simply because

    1. They are not as good in tanking as a Warrior (Physical) or Ranger (Elemental)

    2. They are easily exposed to danger simply because most of them are melee attackers.(So does Warriors but they have thicker skin)

    3. They do not cause enough damage compared to some other classes

    4. Due to the fact that Assassins are suppose to hit & run/warp it is very hard for a monk to oversee them when they keep shifting to random locations

    and finally

    5. A lot of people still doesn’t know how to play one… yet….

  2. Gobi says

    There’s an interesting post on the Guild Wars Guru forum that discusses all the points you bring up. I wouldn’t write off the profession just yet.

    This Assassin/Ranger combo sounds especially vicious.