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Make no bones

Mega Bloks Pyrates

A photo of Skullforage, Noricorpse and Sublurker from Mega Bloks’ Pyrates line.

Mega Bloks’ line of magnet-powered action figures, Mag Warriors, hasn’t been released locally for some reason. I could always get them through eBay but that’s a really pricey method especially these days.

To give you a current example, I have to pay a total of USD51 for an action figure set costing USD13. That includes the cost of shipping the set from the US to Malaysia via airmail, the commission for the international bank draft I’ve made out as payment and the cost of sending the bank draft to the US via EMS to ensure the seller receives it within a week.

I expect I’ll be panhandling on the streets a few decades from now.

On the plus side, I’ll be the bum with the coolest toy collection.

Posted in Pix, Toys.