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Guild Wars: Crystal Desert
The Crystal Desert is said to be the hardest area of the Guild Wars PvE experience. It’s challenging simply to travel to the three towns offering the Ascension missions even with a six-person party and I can understand why some players prefer to make a pell-mell dash instead of methodically working their way to those locations.

The problem is the large areas between towns and outposts are populated with numerous patrols of tough monsters, and you’ll often find a group of foes seemingly appearing out of the ether right on your ass as you’re engaged with another group. Still, it’s doable even with NPC henchmen.

The Ascension missions themselves are notable for their strict time limits. That said, you can (and really should) ignore the clocks aside from the Thirsty Rock mission where clock-watching is essential. I completed the Dunes of Despair mission with henchmen but the other two seemed very difficult without help from other players. (Be sure to read the Party Etiquette and Pick-Up Group guides on Guild Wars Guru before attempting to form a PUG for one of those killer missions.)

Upon completing those missions, you have to face one last hurdle before your ascension. The hurdle in question comes in the shape of your doppelganger which is apparently thus-named because it looks nothing like you and has access to weapons you don’t.

It does, however, have access to the same skills you take to the battle and I found myself repeatedly frustrated as my own Necromancer spells were used to defeat me. Going to battle without my spells was not an option as I was outgunned (so to speak) by the doppelganger. I had a piddling twig that dealt out minimal damage whereas the doppelganger was dishing out major pain with his axe and bow.

The key, I found, was to maintain mobility. I would get close and use Vile Touch (a touching distance spell that hits for 62 points) and then back away before the doppelganger switched to his melee weapons. I would then wait for Vile Touch to recyle and strafe in the meantime to avoid the arrows from the doppelganger’s bow. I repeated this sequence a few times and the doppelganger soon succumbed. Packing Order of the Vampire (which sacrifices 17 per cent of the caster’s health) made my job easier since the doppelganger would make use of it injudiciously.

You’re considered ascended once you’re defeated your doppleganger and although this should feel like a pivotal moment, in actuality, it’s no biggie and the game continues on with little change.

Posted in Games, Guild Wars.

2 Responses

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  1. rojak says

    nice screenshot of ur necro

  2. Gobi says
