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Elsewhere on the web

Yusuke’s action figure photos.
Fantastic CG-enhanced pictures.

The Pirate Bay site admin interviewed.
” …some sort of IP laws are probably needed, but that the current ones are well past their due date, and so are the business models of the music/movie/software industry.”

Ninja City, Japan.
“In Ueno City which is about half way between Nagoya and Osaka there is a town called Iga which is famous for it’s rice and sake, but also, for it’s history as a major Ninja training site … All the souvineers in the area are Ninja related. Ninja Senbei. Ninja KeyChains… And Ninja Hello Kitty.”

Posted in Web.

4 Responses

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  1. Tempestblue says

    I was such a Ninja fanatic between the 80s and the 90s, Sho Kosugi was my idol

  2. Gobi says


    You mean it’s possible to outgrow ninjas? No way!

  3. Tempestblue says

    Yeah man…. I mean, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was cool in its day, but seriously, apprenticing to a rat and becoming forest green with a hard shell… well, that path just leads to the Dark Side man….

  4. Gobi says

    TMNT segueing into Star Wars …

    May the Turtle Power be with you.