Think the Japanese birthrate couldn’t get any lower? Think again. After viewing this scene from Kamen Rider Hibiki episode 17, there are going to be Japanese boys who will grow up to be men absolutely terrified of sex.
Now that I’ve separated my tongue from my cheek, I’d like to note this was a nice episode with plenty of screen time for the women of Hibiki.
The action scenes have improved in recent episodes as well. The earlier episodes were mostly unsatisfying in terms of slam-bang action — some of the makamou battles took all of three seconds to conclude — and I’m hoping the creative team keeps this momentum going.
I don’t get the pics? Maybe I’m just too innocent! ;-p
If at first you don’t succeed …
(The web server was probably too busy to serve up the pix. It happens occasionally.)
I meant I didn’t understand the significance of the pics. All I see is one big, hairy gaping maw…Trying to find an indecent angle on it proved too taxing on my mental faculties