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Elsewhere on the web

BTEfnet update.
Someone else owns the domain now so don’t get taken in by the pleas for money.

Glazer pays a high price.
“Some City analysts believe Mr Glazer would need to treble current United profits just to service interest payments on the £540m borrowings he has made to complete his £790m purchase of the club.”

Anime on the PSP. [via]
It’s difficult to get past the writing style (e.g. “While some individuals feel the need to let the industry trends take them where they need to be, and other individuals feel the need to assert themselves as the industry often does what it wants, there are a few companies that have already taken the initiative of implementing the PlayStation Portable access of Japanese animation-related materials with their product line”) and the bizarre claims (e.g. “Anime Crash is relying on the video and sound capabilities of the PSP, which is reportedly of the quality of the SNES in its heyday”) but it’s got links for PSP-formatted anime and manga content.

Posted in Web.