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Elsewhere on the web

eBay’s most successful action figure categories.
“Transformers G1” at number 7 in January. The Pepsi Promo Prime went for over 2.5K.

Newsflash! Transformers not terribly realistic!

Rare Machine Robo Mugenbine variant: LunchSaurus.
Mmm, rye.

Henshin Hero. [via]
Another tokusatsu fan site from Thailand.

The 2006 World Cup mascot: GOLEO VI.
“He combines the looks of Lothar Matthäus, the elegance of Diego Maradona and the all-round ability of Oliver Bierhoff” and he presumably got his aversion to pants from Donald Duck.

Banned from TV.
“… all television advertising aimed at children under 12 is banned in Sweden (except if the programme is on so late that no children are likely to be watching).” I’m confused. How do the Swedes expect to train their kids to become slavish consumers of inessential merchandise?

The 14 words never to use.
The F-word on this list is “foreign.”

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